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Writer's pictureKimberley

Sh*t's Getting Real

We can officially say that our baby is due this month!! The past 9 months have felt more like 3 years but we are now on the final countdown and it feels great!

For anyone who knows my family well you will know that we are extremely last minute and love to put unnecessary pressure on ourselves for getting sh*t done. Of course Sean and I are no different now so it would only make sense that we decide to rip out our bathroom and redo it weeks before baby is due. I'm hopeful it will be finished by next week but who knows, no point in stressing right? Because of the work going on in the bathroom it's nearly impossible to move around our house so getting all of our nursery furniture, gifts, outfits etc. in hasn't yet happened which means we'll be on the tightest schedule to get everything organised before baby arrives. But again no point in stressing; right?!

We are due on 25th February but due to my ever increasing complicated pregnancy we have to see the consultant the week before for further checks so I mean with this all going on you'd really think we'd be better prepared in case baby makes an early appearance, but why break the habit of a lifetime? I have however had my hospital bag (well actually suitcase) packed since before Christmas so I'm not completely useless!

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