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Too many symptoms, so little memory

Writer's picture: Kimberley Kimberley

I ended up being so engrossed in my latest post yesterday, listing my every pregnancy symptom that I completely forgot about the dreaded heart burn!!! How can I forget about the heart burn?! It's got to be one of the worst!!

I remember the first night I experienced heart burn and not a word of a lie I actually thought I was going to die. What the hell was happening to my throat? It felt like hell! Like the fiery depths of hell! Was I turning into a fire breathing dragon? Probably, I thought, as heart burn to me has to be a pain in your heart/chest not a burning sensation in your throat! In my hour of need I turned to the only reliable source I knew; Facebook mums. Luckily they assured me I was indeed not going to die and that it was a completely normal side effect of pregnancy. Nothing that a glass of milk and some rennies hasn't been able to cure for me. Unfortunately, some women aren't so lucky and for them I feel so sorry for! They are troopers for getting through their pregnancies with this horrendous feeling. And for those who can drink Gaviscon; you are amazing! It has the consistency of glue and a taste of God only knows what! I suppose experiencing heart burn regularly (mostly at night for me) makes me curious as to how hairy my baby will be. Is it myth or truth? Who knows, but I will find out in approximately 4 weeks and report back.

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